One year after publication of the book The Coldest Summer, of which 18,500 copies have already been printed, the Greek Office of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is publishing No Direction Home, featuring the work of 30 Greek photographers that captures the refugee drama, the journey of the displaced from the war zones in Syria and […]

[ Migration ]
Migration politics and policies in the European Union
This study was commissioned to establish an overview of the history and present state of migration policies in the European Union. It coincides with a period in the EU where migration policy is at the core of the political conflicts that are determining the state and the development of the European project. The summer of […]
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The coldest summer
A working mother, a working father and two children who are forced to struggle to survive, to leave their homeland because it has become too dangerous, to abandon the life they knew as it had become unbearable, and leave their families behind in the pursuit of a life where they can think beyond the next […]
Migration in Greece
For at least twenty years, the migration issue in Greece is an issue which has been permanently coming to the forefront in different guises, taking up a central spot in public discussions. Those discussions are mostly dominated by distorted notions, while true facts are obscured, as migration is an issue that is instrumentalised by politics […]