
Rethinking Europe 02

The event is over.

A series of lectures on Europe’s future - 02 Hamit Bozarslan

A series of lectures on Europe’s future - 02 Hamit Bozarslan
5 February 2016

In 2016 and until this summer, we continue with our Rethinking Europe series. A series of lectures that, starting from the Greek crisis, aims to refocus the discussion on Europe’s future. Tackling the economic crisis in Greece reflects more comprehensive strategies for Europe. Thus, we bring together influential intellectuals from Europe and the USA to reflect on the consequences of the prevailing hegemonial politics and to rethink a social and political project for Europe.

Lecture 02. Hamit Bozarslan – When the societies collapse: violence and process of disintegration in the Middle East and its impact on the European Societies

Professor Hamit Bozarslan has obtained his PhD degree in 1992 at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales and in political sciences at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris in 1994. He is author, namely, of Histoire de la Turquie de l’Empire à nos jours (2013-2015), Révolution et état de violence : Moyen-Orient 2011-2015 (2015), Le luxe et la violence; domination et contestation chez Ibn Khaldûn (2014) & Sociologie politique du Moyen-Orient (2011). He is currently working on the historical and political sociology if the Middle East.


There will be simultaneous translation from and into Greek and English. Admission is free.

A project of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Office in Greece, in collaboration with the Initiative “For the Defense of Democracy and Society”.


Event Videos

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Rethinking Europe 02 – Χαμίτ Μποζαρσλάν – Όταν οι κοινωνίες καταρρέουν