
Eye on fascism

The event is over.
18-19 April 2013

The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – Office in Greece, in cooperation with the Greek Film Archive, the Department of Greek-German Relations Studies and the Department of Political Science and Public Administration from the National University of Athens, Graduate Program “Political Science and Sociology”, organize a series of screening and lectures titled “Eye on fascism”, in order to contribute to the understanding of the fascist phenomenon, and particularly the most extreme and horrible version of, Nazism, in the belief that understanding the problem is the condition to deal with. In addition to presenting different aspects of fascism, as reflected in many movies of various types and seasons, influential position has been the emergence of privileged ability of cinema to theming fascism and Nazism. Relevant discussions with the public may also provide stimulations to investigate the conditions under which the aesthetic forms acquire political significations. Beyond the requirements of engaged art and always acting in opposite to the aestheticization of politics pursued by Nazism, each film separately invites to think and act within the field of tension between aesthetic effect of film and social consciousness of the viewer in the direction of an anti-fascist art.


Event Videos

Βλέμμα στο Φασισμό, Βαγγέλης Παπαδάκης, 24.4.2013
Βλέμμα στο Φασισμό, Βίκτωρ Αρδίττης, 22.5.2013
Βλέμμα στο Φασισμό, Μαρίνα Μαροπούλου, 15.5.2013