
Censorship in Greece

The event is over.
17-19 December 2015

The Department of political Science and History, Panteion University, in cooperation with the Office in Greece of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, are organizing a conference and relative events (i.e. workshops, exhibitions, screenings) under the general title «Censorship in Greece». The project is an attempt to expand the research through uncovering, analyzing and documentating the phenomenon of censorship, as well as gathering evidence, proofs and original research on all possible versions by which censorship appeared and continues to do so in the Greek society. Given that the studies of censorship cases are relatively limited in Greece, we believe that such an effort to document and analyze the phenomenon may add a lot to the exhisting knowledge, especially at a time when the issue of freedom of expression is more than apropos not only in local but also in international terms.

The conference will be held (only in Greek) in the City of Athens’ Art Center, December 17-19.

More info: http://logokrisies.wix.com/logokrisies.


Event Videos

Τι (δεν) λέγεται; Ιστορικά και νομικά όρια του «κατάλληλου» – Ανδρέας Τάκης
Ιστορίες (αυτό)λογοκρισίας – Ηλίας Γ. Σκουλίδας
Λογοκρισίες στην Ελλάδα: Τι μας είπαν οι συμμετέχοντες στο συνέδριο