
“Who owns our cities?”

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3-4 October 2024

A two-day conference on the housing crisis to answer crucial questions: Who really owns our cities today? Who is running our public and private spaces?

We compare two iconic European cities experiencing similar problems with different approaches: Athens, with the most severe housing crisis in Europe, and Berlin with its recent experience of the referendum on the socialisation of housing in the hands of investment funds.

The two-day workshop consists of four sessions:

I- Housing crisis: ownership and nature of the problem (3/10, 16:00 – 18:00)

II- The demands and claims of the movements for the right to housing and the stories of the inhabitants (3/10, 19:00 – 21:00)

III- Seeking solutions and alternatives to the housing crisis: good practices, examples, obstacles. (4/10, 16:00 – 18:00)

Concluding session – Housing, green transition and inequalities. Seeking connections. A political roundtable to discuss the links between the housing crisis, green transition and social inequalities. Housing as a political field of struggle and social alliances. Representatives of progressive parties and trade unions will participate in the table. (4/10, 19:00-21:00); livestreaming link here.

Venue: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation – Athens, Kallidromiou 17 (1st floor)


Communications supporters: TVXSEFSYN

Contact: Olga Nassis +30 6981082857
