
Children Cast Adrift – Spain

The exclusion and exploitation of unaccompanied minors (UAMs)

This work has been carried out by a team of three investigators in collaboration with a professional attorney. It is the exploration of a partial ethnography through interviews with a sample of professionals who work or are active in organisations or important NGOs. The participants are considered key informants in the field of unaccompanied minors and the protection system, as well as in other institutional instances or informal spaces related with UAMs. The team has carried out 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews and 3 focus groups, it has transcribed them, and it has analysed the content extracted, paying special attention to:
– Aspects relating to the protection system and institutional organisation.
– Aspects relating to the concept of social inclusion/exclusion.
– Aspects relating to violence and exploitation in the life journey of UAMs
– Aspects relating to the mobility of UAMs.
This investigation also considers the analysis of secondary data, the review of the legal framework relating to UAMs and child protection, the review of Congress of Deputies questions relating to the situation of UAMs in Spanish, and the context and a review of academic literature on the issues mentioned above.

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